Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Another batch to hatch

Today was a busy day for the Queen.

I have taken time off from my postcard business and it's time to get back on that horse. The Queen also has other ideas... ebooks and possibly a video course, things that take a bit of upfront work but make money in perpetuity with little effort.

In that vein, I have been learning a lot from a nice lady named Renae Christine. She gives a lot of information away for free, and it's very useful, not like those free ebooks or reports you often get. She also has a course called Rich Mom University, geared toward handmade items, but applicable to pretty much anything as long as it's a physical item for sale.

I decided to enroll. Most of the time I pass on things but her free videos were enough to convince me that it's good knowledge that can help me with my current and future projects.

After almost completing the first part of module one, I went to a local homesteading meeting to learn about gardening and spend time with friends. Picked up some useful information as well as some seeds and a couple of plants.

Then it was on to Walmart for a duck brooder, aka large plastic storage bin. It's time to move the ducks to their own brooder and let the chickens have some more room and a cleaner area.

Then Mayor Tom called and told me he had more eggs. This will be the last batch of eggs for our flock. If someone else wants me to hatch some I'll do it, but I think we're good for a little while. This batch has Australorps and Americaunas, plus eggs from his flock. There is one Sebright... I was hoping for more Sebrights but maybe this one will hatch.

So it was a long, but productive day... and the Queen is tired. I still need to clean the existing brooder and set up the duck brooder but it may have to wait until tomorrow unless I catch a second wind.

Right now I just want to relax for a minute...

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