Monday, February 29, 2016

How to entertain chickens

So far the Queen has attempted to splint Red's leg... twice... and to Red's credit he/she has been pretty cooperative. Still, it's hard to do when you have two hands and one of them is cradling a chicken. So tonight, Mayor Tom will be coming to assist with the procedure since the King is dealing with truck issues.

I just hope it works because the leg is getting visibly worse and I'm growing more attached to my chicken. It seems like he/she is almost knock knee'd, and sometimes when Red lays down she sticks her leg out and leans to the side.

So the protocol has changed... 

One q-tip broken in half, each half wrapped in cotton so there are no rough edges to irritate the skin. Wrap the leg in gauze to further protect if from damage. Place one q-tip half on the inside of the leg, and one on the outside of the leg, to keep the joint in place. Wrap medical tape around the splint. Then I will hobble the legs like you would for spraddle, because things seem to be headed that way anyway.

Red probably won't like it, but a Queen's gotta do what a Queen's gotta do to save her chicken!

Until then... I have been reading up because reading is what I do.

First, about different types of "litter" you can use in a brooder and a coop.  Sand (not play sand, but construction sand without added silica) looks like the best option. It dries faster, it's siftable so I can scoop the poop, it retains heat, and when they're outdoors it isn't a good breeding ground for mold or mites. I'm sold. Gonna get some and try that!

I also read that if you put a clump of grass or dandelions from your yard (as long as you haven't sprayed the yard with chemicals) it's not only entertaining for the chickens and ducks, it's also good for them because it exposes them to the bacteria, nematodes and soil... and it can make them healthier. Sort of like an infant drinking breast milk transfers immunity. So I pulled me up a clump of grass and I think the video speaks for itself - the ducks in particular are thrilled!

All this time I've been wanting chickens and never really planned on ducks. That's what a cute face will do for you. Anyway, ducks are bigger foragers than chickens which probably explains their delight with the grass. And the fact that they eat more is why people say not to use medicated feed, because they could overdose.

"I will just sleep here thank you!" said Howard.

"We'll see about that," Red replied.

I am happy to report that Red has made his/her peace with the ducks and is no longer chasing them around the brooder. The first couple of days were a little rough for the ducks but now they snuggle right up together.

I was having an issue with the water constantly disappearing, and not into the chickens and ducks... rather it was just being absorbed into the pine shavings. We had one board down already, so I added another one for height and made sure the chicks could still reach it. I think it's helping, so far the shavings are dry and I don't see chips floating in the water (or poop, which has gotta count for something).

Their little feathers are getting bigger! Side note... one of these pullets will be named Druscilla. Leaders have to make decisions on the fly, so I just decided. Which made me think perhaps this will be the Buffy flock. Yes, you're looking at vampire chickens.

Back to the brooder... last thing for the day, the roosting bar. An old cabinet tension bar from the rv with medical tape on it so it isn't slippery. About two inches off the ground. One little chick tried to perch on it... before I got the tape on so she just slid right off. But they need practice and it gives them something else to do with their time.

... should also be entertaining to watch...

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Today Mayor Tom returned to the castle and more progress was made on the royal coop. We lack very little to have it done, mainly the front doors, and a little bit of tweaking here and there.

It's sightly manger-esque don't you think?

You can't really see it, but it has a green roof. How cute right? Matching roofs... cuz we have a green roof. Once the overhang gets added to the front you'll be able to tell... if it's green... but we didn't have any roofing left over so I may have just lied to you.

Don't hate the Queen, she tries her best.

Of course there will be roosting bars and nesting boxes, a window or two, and some dust baths. Everything a royal chicken needs. And a kiddie pool for the ducks. Yee-ah boyee!

The land has a significant slope to it, so we'll have to dig a trench where the water can mostly flow around the coop instead of through the coop. And in order to open the doors in an outward direction, the ground in front of them will have to be dug down and levelled out.

It's all in the plan.

Oh yes... and we can't forget the fencing. Can't just free range out here, too many hawks, owls, coyotes and dogs around. So we have to have vertical fencing, dig guards and a cover over the top.

There's more work yet to do...

I think the chickens and ducks have a pretty decent view. I wish we were this far back from the road...

Not bad for $91 and a couple of days.

I swear the ducks have doubled in size already. They were always a little bigger than the chicks but they seem to be outpacing the chicks. Howard is the yellow one. Bill is the black one... but we really don't know if they're girls or boys.

Red, preening. I'm a pretty girl. No red, you're beautiful.

You can barely see them but the little chicks have little feathers growing along the bottom of their little wings.

One of Red's legs turns out a little bit. The right one. That's how we ended up with her, because I had time to do chicken P/T with her and hopefully fix it. Weird thing is, when she was by herself it seemed to be fixing itself.

In the last couple of days, since we got the chicks and ducks, it has looked more turned out again. Today it's more noticeable for sure.

I can't figure it out. Why would more chicks affect her leg? But that's the only thing different, so it's the only theory I have to go on.

We're feeding her chick feed like we're supposed to. She always has water, sometimes with enzymes and vitamins, sometimes plain. It's warm in the tub but she has plenty of room to get away from the heat if it's too warm. There is a rubberized shelf liner with pine shavings on top of it, so no slippery surfaces.

It's not spraddle leg, it's not bumblefoot, it's not that tendon thing... it's an enigma.

So far she gets around fine and I figure as long as that's the case, let her be. She's a beautiful bird (I still assume she's a she). Maybe I can splint it and try to get it turned the right way, but that's the last option I can come up with and I need help to do it. Otherwise I just pick her up (which she LOVES) and work the leg a little to maybe get it stronger.

Everyone seems to get along and they all seem content. Even Daisy's big schnoz doesn't seem to bother them; she drops by several times a day and they must be used to it by now.

But they still fear the big giant hand.

Can't really tell a difference in the incubated eggs. They're still there being rocked back and forth by the egg turner. I am going to try to candle them tomorrow and see if I can tell which ones were fertilized and have started to grow.

In other news, the royal canines got new collars. Bo's is very manly and says "Farm Dog." The red and tan complement his coloring.

Miss Daisy Bear's collar has yellow flowers which show up nicely against her shiny black fur. It even has a fancy metal clasp.

That is all for tonight. The Queen is tired from hammering, lifting and loading all afternoon! Time for an adult beverage and something to eat.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

They flock to me

Today was the day! Tractor Supply started selling chicks! So after lunch with the King, I headed down there to revel in the cuteness, and finally give in to my long restrained urge to buy chicks... and two ducks, because the ducks are pretty adorable too.

The royal canines are doing pretty well under the circumstances. Bo is mostly uninterested in them, but once, on his way out the door he stopped and pointed briefly as if to say, "Just wanted to let you know there are birds in there - and now if you'll excuse me, I have to pee."

Daisy McPhee is absolutely fascinated by the chickens. She sticks her head into the tub and watches them (closely supervised). Today she came nose to beak with Red, who promptly pecked at her. I know from experience that it doesn't hurt, but she jumped back like she'd been stuck with a cattle prod. Which I think is a good thing.

Tucker is just oblivious. He's too short to see into the tub so he doesn't care.

Red now has six chicken friends and two duck friends, although he/she isn't fond of the ducks and chases them. It's only been a couple of hours, hopefully they'll adjust to each other and everything will be hunky dorey soon.

I know it looks like I'm squishing her, but I'm holding her very loosely. Just making sure she doesn't jump ship. I got pullets so I know they'll be hens someday.

And this is an unsexed duck, so I'm tentatively calling it Howard. How frickin' cute is Howard???

The flock. 

They've started spreading out as the tub gets warmer, but when the giant hand descends from the heavens they all flock together. Diversity at its finest, duck, chicken, who cares? Fear the giant hand!

Red no longer fears the giant hand. What? Come at me bro!

She's still little but looks like a giant compared to the wee ones around her. Or him. This is going to be one gender confused chicken...

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Little Red Chicken

Today we finally made it happen. And by "we", I mean Mayor Tom, because in all honesty, the King and I have wanted to take action for a long time now, but always got caught up in the planning stages.

Mayor Tom kicked our butts into gear and took control of the situation.

I know... what? What happened? What did Mayor Tom do???

Well first there was this.

An incubator with 40 eggs in it. 40 potential chickens. I recognize that some of them won't make it... but if 10-15 of them do - we have our first flock!

One of the eggs is a tiny little silver sebright. And I'm already in love with her. I know the egg is a girl. And her name is going to be Lily... Lily White the Silver Sebright.

Okay, so I'm not 100% sold on the name... but it's a thought.

And later, there was this.

An almost chicken coop.

Which is almost finished on two sides.

We'll finish it next weekend by putting the rest of the sides and the roof on. And then we'll have to fence around it so the chickens have a yard.

As if that wasn't enough to make my day... THIS happened.

A chicken. A real live five week old chicken - with feathers and everything.

He or she has a gimp leg and I am going to attempt to rehab it. The Queen, chicken physical therapist. 

So far, the chicken absolutely hates me and runs away as quickly as it can - but I will make it love me!

We did a brief (supervised) doggy introduction. Daisy was fascinated by the chicken. It was glaringly apparent that Bo wanted to eat the chicken. Good thing the coop will keep that from happening...

Until then we have gates up to keep our chicken safe! It's going to be a happy, healthy, LIVE chicken.

And once our coop and run are built, Mayor Tom said I can have a Sebright rooster. Woot!


Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Queen is Back

After what seemed like a surreal detour from life, the Queen has returned to her heretofore droll existence, ergo, a life of freedom which she more fully appreciates and savors than ever before. Lemme 'splain...

The royal coffers were bare and things were looking grim. 


The Queen, not caring who employed her, put out more resumes than George Foreman has children named George. And bingo - a company who hires everyone regardless of their qualifications - hired the Queen!

They were a clearinghouse for the big "A"... Amazon. The Queen loves Amazon, or did... she now has mixed feelings but will still shop there because they deliver to the castle. The pay was decent, for these parts, and there were bonuses dangling like carrots to keep us focused on the money and not the working conditions.

It was a horrible week, and the Queen quickly realized that her old, decrepit body could not handle 10-12 hours of standing and walking on a concrete floor... and quit. Two days later, they actually noticed.

After that, things got worse, and it was even more keenly apparent because it was Christmas time. Another Christmas where even the Charlie Brown Christmas tree was beyond our budget. Awesome.

Next thing I know, I'm a home health aide. The experience is too new, too raw... let's just say it didn't work out and leave it at that. But I lasted about a month before giving up. And I only gave up... because I could. The King got an amazing job with good pay - and money is freedom, people... anyone who says money can't buy happiness is lying and should be kicked in their lying face.

Since then things have vastly improved. The downside is that the King will be living in an RV near work during the week, but the upside is that I can meet him for lunch and he will be home most weekends. The upside is also that this year we will pay off most of our debts and make a concerted effort to turn "most" into "all" if at all possible.

In that vein, I have a new phone. Mine was three generations behind and dying, which was an urgent matter since it was the source of our internet.

For years I'd been under the "free" unlimited data plan, but over time it got more and more expensive, and limiting to the point that it felt like a prison. In fact, dropping that plan and getting internet from the local utility will save us about $30/month and we get faster speeds. And a new phone.

Did I mention that my new phone's camera is so amazing that it rivals my DSLR? Well it is. Take a gander.

Yes, the Queen has joined the adult coloring craze. It really is fun to do. You should join us... join usssss...

And you know where I got said coloring book?

Barnes & Noble!

Yep - I went shopping! Do you know how long it's been since I went to a store and bought something just because I could??? It's an awesome feeling. I give myself (and the King) an allowance and we get to spend it on WHATEVER WE WANT.

I don't think most people appreciate the ability to do that. At one point in my life I certainly didn't. I didn't know what it was like to struggle. Now I do. And I hate it. And I still have friends that are struggling and I hate it for them. Struggling sucks.

Anyway, things are much improved and I am looking forward to even more improvements in the weeks and months to come. Like putting in a garden FOR REAL THIS TIME, focusing on saving money on food and cooking healthier meals... and chickens.

I CAN'T WAIT TO GET OUR CHICKEN BABIES!!! They should be hatching soon, and I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous because they need certain things like specific temperatures and foods and not to be eaten by dogs who like squeaky toys. But I think we've got it covered. It'll be okay. Our chickens will be some of the most spoiled dinosaur offspring in the universe.

Fair warning... there will be a lot of baby chicken blogs in your near future... muahahaha. CHICKENS!!!