Wednesday, February 24, 2016

They flock to me

Today was the day! Tractor Supply started selling chicks! So after lunch with the King, I headed down there to revel in the cuteness, and finally give in to my long restrained urge to buy chicks... and two ducks, because the ducks are pretty adorable too.

The royal canines are doing pretty well under the circumstances. Bo is mostly uninterested in them, but once, on his way out the door he stopped and pointed briefly as if to say, "Just wanted to let you know there are birds in there - and now if you'll excuse me, I have to pee."

Daisy McPhee is absolutely fascinated by the chickens. She sticks her head into the tub and watches them (closely supervised). Today she came nose to beak with Red, who promptly pecked at her. I know from experience that it doesn't hurt, but she jumped back like she'd been stuck with a cattle prod. Which I think is a good thing.

Tucker is just oblivious. He's too short to see into the tub so he doesn't care.

Red now has six chicken friends and two duck friends, although he/she isn't fond of the ducks and chases them. It's only been a couple of hours, hopefully they'll adjust to each other and everything will be hunky dorey soon.

I know it looks like I'm squishing her, but I'm holding her very loosely. Just making sure she doesn't jump ship. I got pullets so I know they'll be hens someday.

And this is an unsexed duck, so I'm tentatively calling it Howard. How frickin' cute is Howard???

The flock. 

They've started spreading out as the tub gets warmer, but when the giant hand descends from the heavens they all flock together. Diversity at its finest, duck, chicken, who cares? Fear the giant hand!

Red no longer fears the giant hand. What? Come at me bro!

She's still little but looks like a giant compared to the wee ones around her. Or him. This is going to be one gender confused chicken...

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