Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Queen is Back

After what seemed like a surreal detour from life, the Queen has returned to her heretofore droll existence, ergo, a life of freedom which she more fully appreciates and savors than ever before. Lemme 'splain...

The royal coffers were bare and things were looking grim. 


The Queen, not caring who employed her, put out more resumes than George Foreman has children named George. And bingo - a company who hires everyone regardless of their qualifications - hired the Queen!

They were a clearinghouse for the big "A"... Amazon. The Queen loves Amazon, or did... she now has mixed feelings but will still shop there because they deliver to the castle. The pay was decent, for these parts, and there were bonuses dangling like carrots to keep us focused on the money and not the working conditions.

It was a horrible week, and the Queen quickly realized that her old, decrepit body could not handle 10-12 hours of standing and walking on a concrete floor... and quit. Two days later, they actually noticed.

After that, things got worse, and it was even more keenly apparent because it was Christmas time. Another Christmas where even the Charlie Brown Christmas tree was beyond our budget. Awesome.

Next thing I know, I'm a home health aide. The experience is too new, too raw... let's just say it didn't work out and leave it at that. But I lasted about a month before giving up. And I only gave up... because I could. The King got an amazing job with good pay - and money is freedom, people... anyone who says money can't buy happiness is lying and should be kicked in their lying face.

Since then things have vastly improved. The downside is that the King will be living in an RV near work during the week, but the upside is that I can meet him for lunch and he will be home most weekends. The upside is also that this year we will pay off most of our debts and make a concerted effort to turn "most" into "all" if at all possible.

In that vein, I have a new phone. Mine was three generations behind and dying, which was an urgent matter since it was the source of our internet.

For years I'd been under the "free" unlimited data plan, but over time it got more and more expensive, and limiting to the point that it felt like a prison. In fact, dropping that plan and getting internet from the local utility will save us about $30/month and we get faster speeds. And a new phone.

Did I mention that my new phone's camera is so amazing that it rivals my DSLR? Well it is. Take a gander.

Yes, the Queen has joined the adult coloring craze. It really is fun to do. You should join us... join usssss...

And you know where I got said coloring book?

Barnes & Noble!

Yep - I went shopping! Do you know how long it's been since I went to a store and bought something just because I could??? It's an awesome feeling. I give myself (and the King) an allowance and we get to spend it on WHATEVER WE WANT.

I don't think most people appreciate the ability to do that. At one point in my life I certainly didn't. I didn't know what it was like to struggle. Now I do. And I hate it. And I still have friends that are struggling and I hate it for them. Struggling sucks.

Anyway, things are much improved and I am looking forward to even more improvements in the weeks and months to come. Like putting in a garden FOR REAL THIS TIME, focusing on saving money on food and cooking healthier meals... and chickens.

I CAN'T WAIT TO GET OUR CHICKEN BABIES!!! They should be hatching soon, and I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous because they need certain things like specific temperatures and foods and not to be eaten by dogs who like squeaky toys. But I think we've got it covered. It'll be okay. Our chickens will be some of the most spoiled dinosaur offspring in the universe.

Fair warning... there will be a lot of baby chicken blogs in your near future... muahahaha. CHICKENS!!!

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