Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Singin' in the Rain

I'm a Dane-a-dor, rain drops do not scare me... but I don't care for whiskers on kittens. Does that make me a bad dog?

Mike was working on the tree and I was raking up yard muck, and rocks that the earth belched up, when the clouds rolled in. Then came the thunder. And the rain drops. Typical Tennessee storm, fast and hard with a lot of bluster, then gone.

Until we decided to fire up the grill, that is. Then we began to experience a steady drizzle.

I guess them's the breaks. Grilling in the rain presents challenges but they can be overcome. Just move the grill into the living room!


All the little yellow birds came out to play today. They must like the nut and fruit mix I put out. They're so spoiled, these birds...

They have suet, they have a 'premium' bird seed mix and now they also have nuts and fruit... all my animals eat better than me.

Well, not tonight... we're having chicken and coconut rice... a delicious chicken marinated in coconut milk, yogurt, peanut butter and other good stuff.

There's something pretty about this ombre sky. Even though it puts a kink in our plans.

And the poke berry bush.

Even though the sunflowers are dying off, our little yellow friends seem to like them. They won't like them much longer, I'm going to pull them up soon.

Poor little guy. He committed suicide in our charcoal chimney.

Is it macabre to take his picture?

Like my grandma with her camera in a funeral home taking pictures of the casket kind of macabre? Or is it more like a scholarly interest?

Ah yes, I forgot about the grill... best go check the chicken. We're also having grilled zucchini, summer squash and bell peppers. YUM!

I'm Stok'd!

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