Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Stuff I did today

The Queen's life rarely goes according to plan... If it had, the tweens would be in the coop, the former fluffy butts would take their place in the brooder, and the chicken babies would move into the smaller spot in the brooder.

But... the tweens are still a little small to go outside right now with the temps being all whacky like they are. So they will be in the house for 1-2 more weeks.

So I got another brooder/future duck pond and that's where the chicken babies are going to go until the tweens can be moved.

I got a bucket and some paint brushes to whitewash the inside of the coop later this week (after the rain). Plus I got these bands to identify my pet chickens, and some fake eggs to show the hens where to lay:

Three locks... two for the dog pen and one for the coop so that no one can steal our babies... at least not without fence cutters.

Some straw so that the ducks can burrow into it this weekend to keep warm.

They're currently on Duck Island.

Poor things... I "chased" them out of the coop this morning - and by chase I mean I walked behind them and they waddled away from me - because I wanted them to know there was a whole run surrounding them (and perhaps they could poop there please). When I got back from the store they were still in the corner they waddled into...

So I "chased" them back into the coop because it's really windy out and is probably going to rain soon (yep, it's raining). I'm not sure they know that the two things are related.

The moral of that story is: I herded ducks.

I also got these nesting boxes, which in a pinch could keep them warm as well, and if not... we will need nesting boxes at some point anyway.

And as a special treat... I ordered this...!!!

I figure if we're selling eggs... but also I like vintage things and it's cool.

I am AMAZED at how many chicks are hatching from this batch! I can't even really keep track anymore but we finally do have some Easter Eggers (Ameraucanas) to add to the flock! Whoppee!!!

This is not one of them.

I was trying to get a picture of a fully zipped egg, but by the time I went across the room to grab my camera and came back it had already popped open. Thing happen fast around here!

And by the way, that little Easter toy with the chick in the middle of two halves of an egg makes a lot more sense now.

We had 22 eggs at lockdown. If I'm counting correctly we have 14 chicks, 2 pips, 1 that pipped in the wrong place and didn't make it... and that means only 5 are still in the egg thinking about what they want to do... That's a 72% hatch rate!

I'm a rockstar!

With 33 live chickens all over my house.

Mayor Tom calls me The Chicken Lady...

That's Chicken Queen if you please... bawk bawk.

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