Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Fun Day

The Queen weathered the whether and decided to make the trip to Gallatin this morning. Sometimes I will not be in the mood to do something, but once I undertake it, whatever it is... I'm good. Such was the case today. The drive out was actually pretty (despite the threat of rain) because the trees are starting to change and traffic was light and/or going the proper speed.

First I got donuts. Not as good as Shipley's, but the closest I've come since leaving Texas. Next stop Tractor Supply to exchange some pants for the King.

Then I made it to Goodwill and tried on at least fifty shirts and pants. I behaved myself... I wanted a lot more than I came home with. If it didn't fit right, whether it was a little too tight or a little too loose, I put it back instead of rationalizing that I could lose a couple of pounds or it was meant to be shapeless. But they had some good stuff.

I still came away with about eight shirts and *a* pair of pants. Non-jean pants are much harder to find... and pants were actually the primary goal of the trip because I don't have slacks, just jeans and uber-comfy lounging pants that I wear like a uniform. My problem with pants is that the ones which fit my waist usually have a saggy crotch, which is not at all attractive. So pants are either too tight, or I look like I'm rockin' a dirty diaper. But I did find one magical pair of trousers that hung correctly. And they were half price. So I grabbed them.

After that, a stop at Walmart. I got some groceries and shirts for the King. "High visibility" nee fluorescent or neon, for work. And these awesome pork meatballs.

Was very excited about my meatballs. Was going to put them on sandwiches and eat the hell out of those meatballs. They were even marked down, and our Walmart does not carry such fancy schmancy stuff as non-frozen, gourmet, pork-jalapeno-and-cheese meatballs.

Got home. Unloaded the car. Wait - where are my $*#@^! meatballs???

Apparently still at Walmart.

In Gallatin.

Over an hour away. And they won't refund my money because no one turned them in... I bet whoever came behind me in line got a nice surprise... My $*#@^! meatballs.

You're welcome stranger... but I'm not happy about it.

On the way I saw this amazing house and a big banner - FARM FOR SALE! Gimme. I love the area, I've been drooling over the area forever, so even though we're not in a position to move and aren't sure if we want to, I still get curious. So I snapped these pics and looked it up online.

How much do you think they want?

I think it's 2,500 sq ft. It may be 3,200 sq ft.

114 acres.

I know the number I had in my head...

Theirs was much, much higher.

Much higher.

Higher than even you're thinking by now.

Stratospherically high.



Someone get the Queen some smelling salts...

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