More work on the tree today. Most of the trunk has now been relocated to the front yard - woot! So the King mowed the back, and the field while I raked up more yard debris. I'm going to have nightmares about giant spiders for weeks. Have I mentioned how big the spiders are around here???
Meanwhile, as the King was mowing the field, he thought he saw a giant rock. Upon closer inspection it was this guy... very lucky not to have been scalped!
He said he's never seen a turtle move so quickly. :)
Our field seems like an odd place for a turtle, but who are we to tell a turtle where it can and cannot be? And we do have a creek nearby, so maybe he was just exploring.
While the King was mowing, I went to the store to get groceries. The King and I are determined to slim our waistlines so that we don't appear quite so royal (no need to intimidate anyone), so we are attempting the Fast Metabolism Diet. It's a 28 day commitment and we think that's doable. Week one is in the refrigerator waiting to be eaten.
The biggest hurdle for me will be having to eat breakfast. The Queen is not a fan. And also remembering to exercise. I used to like the feel of my muscles working... not that I ever liked to exercise, but I did appreciate feeling strong and I want it back. So it will be Cardio Bootcamp on Monday, weights and strength training on Wednesday and yoga over the weekend. The King will probably use the treadmill instead of doing bootcamp, I'm just doing what I know I liked and what used to work.
Not much more to tell, tonight was Fear the Walking Dead, a background story about how the zombie apocalypse happened. So far, so interesting. I'm invested. But I still miss the original and can't wait for October!!!!
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