What is all the ruckus?
No ruckus Mr. Pigeon. The missus and I are just enjoying an early dinner.
Let me just finish up here.
Oh no... not him again.
Fly away!
Do you see him? Lying in wait?
Let me help you. I have eagle eyes!
Oh deary dear... these hummingbirds... why can't we just get along?
Little hummingbird is just waiting for his nemesis to come around.

I suppose we need to move one of the feeders further into the yard. I have plans to put it in another flower bed but we need to till it up first. I don't know why the ruby throated hummers are so aggressive but they can't seem to get along and defending his turf is a never ending job so I guess I have to be the adult here.
Wish me luck.
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