Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Herdin' Cattle in a Mini

Today was certainly an interesting day.

While the Queen was sawing logs getting her beauty sleep, the King snapped pics of this little gal who was peeping at the kitchen window.

What a cute little baby cardinal.

Then as I was sitting on the couch taking tests so the local employment agency can find me a job (which I aced... cuz I'm a smartie with 'amazing skills'), I noticed a small herd of cows meandering up the road.


At first I thought it was strange that someone would herd them up the road like that, but hey, if you can...

But then no one came along beside them or behind them. They just stayed in their little group and kept walking. Cute little baby moo cows and a couple of moms. And a bull who went the opposite way.

So the King jumped on the 4-wheeler, and I hopped in the royal Mini, and we wrangled them, putting them back into their pen in short order. Wish I had pics, it would probably be hilarious to see us in action.

And after all that, this little guy bonked his head on our window. Maybe the Windex commercial is right... we need a smudge stick.

He was really stunned and it seemed touch and go for a little while.

His eyes were heavy and he didn't have much strength. I've seen it before and it usually doesn't end well. But I refused to give up. His neck wasn't broken... he needed to live.

But then we got him on the branch and after a while I took him to the feeder.

He started expressing an interest in food.

And little by little he started to grow taller.

And began to look around.

And the two bully birds came and buzzed us at the feeder, but I am the alpha hummingbird. So this time, this little one came out victorious.

I think perhaps that also bolstered his resolve. (I write my own history!)

And just about the time the King rode up from searching for more moo cows...

... and the little hummer decided it was time.

So after patiently allowing me to snap dozens of photos (because when do you get to hold a hummingbird and see them so up close and personal?)...

... little hummer flew away.

Which is how it should be. But I do hope he'll pay us a visit from time to time. Well, he will because he likes our feeder, but I hope he'll let us come near him now.

Which won't happen because hummer's are notoriously snobbish.

After all this we went to a friend's farm to load up some compost for our flowerbed. I'm so jealous, she has chickens and ducks and turkeys and GOATS and horses and rabbits and pigs and MOO COWS!!!!

I even got to wrangle a baby angora goat... a real cutie who managed to escape his pen. We're pals now.

Not really, but at least he stopped running away from me.

The King snapped this pic of another avian visitor on the castle grounds.

And the adorable royal hounds. I call this one "Lazy Daisy."

No daddy, don't take my picture...

Another hummingbird getting breakfast

Our handsome boy

It's a Bonut

And our whistlepig, also known as a groundhog.

So the day isn't over yet, but hopefully there are no more escapes!

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