Saturday, September 26, 2015

Forging New Ground

Today I sold at a farmer's market for the first time.

I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect. Would I sell anything? How much foot traffic would there be? Would I fit in?

As it turns out, I enjoyed it. Met some nice people and enjoyed being outside on a cool fall day. Convinced people that drinking vinegar isn't weird. I would call it a success.

I sold four bottles of shrub concentrate and traded an additional four for this kind of homemade yumminess... pickled okra and pickled green beans.

I also got six summer squash, a pound or two of beans, two spaghetti squash, three acorn squash, three sweet peppers, three bell peppers, some parsley, okra, dried mint, cherry tomatoes and two potatoes.

And then there are these... not a good photo but it doesn't matter... don't judge the pickles by my photo, they are delicious. I wish I'd gotten another jar. I ate half of them before I decided to take a photo.

So next week I will go back with more concentrates, sweet potato fudge and hummus. But for tonight I'm going to sit back and relax and watch horror movies because I find them inexplicably relaxing.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Fall is coming. I can see changes in the landscape. If you looked at it every day you might see it too. They're subtle, but they're there.

The ditches are still full of color.

But leaves are beginning to fall when the wind stirs.

Our bottom field has a new look.

The royal neighbor has given it a manicure. I asked him to leave some of the sycamores to grow since we eventually want cattle. I figure I love sycamores and moo cows, and moo cows need a cool shady spot to be. Win-win.

It's nice to see how the land lays. I don't know if we've ever seen this field free of brambles and weeds.

We can actually see the barn now. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing... it needs some TLC. But hey, we have a barn and not everyone does... so we like it.

The way the weeds lay it looked like a bouquet.

We have little furry visitors. They're cute when they're in the field. As long as they stay in the field we're cool. If they come into the house the truce is over.

And we have a skink. Odd looking creatures they are.

I love this color combo. It may find it's way into the royal decor someday.

Naked barn.

The royal neighbor taking down more brush.

The mice were hiding under a metal building that had fallen over. The King decided to put it upright again and disturbed them. 

And the skink...

... who sort of looks like a slimy blob of tar.

But the mice don't mind.

And they don't seem to mind having their picture taken either.


 And after.

We could almost use it to store something. Almost.

This building has also seen better days.


But it makes for a good rustic photo.

Inside the building was a bird's nest.

It amazes me that they can do such delicate work with just beaks and feet.

Yep, the barn has seen better days, but maybe a few boards and some bracing and it will be back in top form.

This tree is always the first to turn. It's gorgeous.

The neighbor's dogs are very photogenic.

Someone has been seed collecting.

And someone else wants to go for a ride.

One thing I've learned out here is not to assume that just because something is old that it's worthless. This tractor may not be shiny and new, but it's a reliable workhorse. I think it has character.

And then the sun began to set.

And it was time for dinner.

Good night barn. We have plans for you.

Friday, September 18, 2015

A Walk in the Park

Cedars of Lebanon park to be exact. We had a meeting and nothing better to do afterward. You'll have to forgive the Queen, her royal mood is not good at the moment so this will be a primarily pictorial post.

But not of birds. So rest easy bird haters... I hope you like rocks.

And spiders.

See what you get when you get tired of bird pictures?

Wanna see it closer?

No? Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you said yes. My bad.

The King noticed this orb weaver repelling from the sky near our back fence.

The orb weaver also noticed him and took up a defensive posture.

Don't kill me your majesty, I only eat bugs.

No worries, the Queen thinks you're too big to approach and the King will leave you alone unless you attack first.

A cave in the park.

A moss art piece.

It may look like the remnants of an old tree, but to those in the know, it's a fairy ring.

More moss. There were several different kinds.

Ooh look - rocks! The type of rock that we have in the creek down the road, so I wonder if there was once water here.

Or maybe it's giant poop. My hypothesis will make sense in a bit.

Cup holder.

The Queen almost stole this from the park and brought it home as an art piece. Isn't it gorgeous?

The Queen has become quite the little kleptomaniac lately hasn't she? No... because it's still there...

And here we see the King taking photos of the cave. Freaky huh? It's like there's an alternate reality where time coexists and folds in on itself!

Inside the cave

More gorgeousness.

The trail

Another cliffy area.

When there's a will there's a way.

And this is a giant hole in the ground. It's enough to make you wonder what you're walking on.

Don't make this tree angry, it will eatchoo!

This is the biggest burl I've ever seen... It would make a lovely piece of furniture...

But maybe it's the foot of a giant and not a tree at all.

(now think back to the giant poop reference)

Don't step on the King!!!

More moss.

More fairy ring.

Cedar bark.

Me and my shadow... That's not a burl, or even a saggy boob - that's my camera bag.

And it is definitely not a tumah!

Spiderweb all shiny in the sun.

And finally... a real fungi.

See what I did there? 'k. Goodnight y'all.